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My 4/72 Model 200A Restovication

Please Read: Click on the small pics to see full size versions of them then use your back button in your browser to return here...

4/1972 Model 200A (With aftermarket globe...)

This was my grandfathers fishing lantern. I'll get around to re-doing it eventually...

My 4/62 Model 200A Restovication

"Burgundy" 4/62 Model 200A

I picked this lantern up 11/20/2010 from my sisters cousins husband for helping him split firewood. It belonged to his dad. It was really dirty as it was sitting in his shop on a shelf for years. I did not realize it was a "burgundy" until I got it home and sat it next to my 4/72. The difference in color was quite apparent even through the dirt. I posted a pic on the CCF just to get it verified. :-) From the CCF: "These lanterns were painted this burgundy color from 10/61 to 4/62 then were a deep red from 6/62 to 12/62. "

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6


It's not perfect by any means. The paint is chipped in many places on the fount and is stained The frame is rusted, and the bottom rim is rough. but the globe is original and perfect. The vent also has two chips one large. All the pics above show the lantern before I cleaned anything on it.

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

After a bit of cleaning

I plan on a full teardown and cleaning/polishing of this lantern later so check back for more...