1335 Frog Branch Rd. Log Home Project



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The property was originally owned by Rusty Robinson, Deb's first cousins husband. His father had used the property as a junk yard for years. The section we were looking at was pretty junked up and covered in scrub brush. You could however see that once cleaned up, it would be a beautiful place to build.

Fig. 1


Fig. 2


Fig. 3

See the potential?

May 2007: When we first looked at the property...

Rusty had decided to clean this area up so that he could expand his cattle grazing acreage. Over the summer and fall of 2007 he had all the junk cars, tractors and air conditioning units hauled off.

Fig. 4

Bit-o-junk left?

Fig. 5


Fig. 6

Yes that's a toilet

Feb. 3rd, 2008 after the big junk was removed... There was LOTS of small junk still on the ground... Sort of spooky looking...

Fig. 7

Future Home Location

Fig. 8


Fig. 9

The Sink Hole

During April and May of 2008 Rusty had a man come in with a small dozer and clear the land of all the junk and small trees. This was all pushed into the low area we started calling "The Sink Hole" so it could later be burned.

Fig. 10

Home we liked...

Fig. 11

Honest Abe Model Front

Fig. 12

Honest Abe Model Rear

During 2008/9 we started looking hard at many different log home companies. We visited some log homes in our area and burned the web up looking at everything log home related. Deb had a subscription to Log Home magazine and using that we started looking for a log home manufacturer. She already had floor plans drawn up, and was comparing those to plans on the web and in the magazines. One company that was listed was Honest Abe, Inc. (how can you not trust such a name?) Deb liked the floor plans for their Grandfield model, so in April of 2009 we arranged a visit to their model home location in Mossberg, TN. It was there that we met Ed White a saleman for them. He showed us around the model home, answered a couple hundred questions, then sat us down and went over the floor plans for the Grandfield. Ed assured us that they could make the minor changes that Deb had made to the plan.



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