
Sunday, January 6th, 2006

My older brother came in for a visit and we decided to drive down to check on the property. We had winterized it sometime back in early November and had not been there since. Back during the summer we had noticed a large tree in the front yard that had died. Upon inspection it appeared to be infested with something that had bored lots of holes in the wood and it was weakened around the base. I made a note to bring the chain saw in the spring to take it down. It is an oak tree about 60' tall and maybe 24" at the base, not a small tree! The only way to safely fell it was toward the woods to the east. I had planned to build an outdoor fireplace this spring and burn the wood from the tree in the fall.

As we turned into the driveway my heart about stopped! All I could see of the tree was a snag about 8' tall and there was NO tree lying in the woods to the east! With visions of our mobile home crushed to the ground, I continued down the drive.

Someone up there must like me! The tree had fallen backward toward the mobile home but had been deflected away by the tree located at the west corner. That was the only thing that saved us! As you can see it was close! The power company had already been there and had set a new pole and had put the line back up. Hmmm now why did they put up a new pole? I walked around to the back of the trailer and found out why...

Close call

Close Call!

Other View

Other View

Power Pole

Power Pole

Well we did not get off totally free from damage :-( When the tree fell, it of course, fell across the power/phone lines which run ACROSS the top of the home. Well one would expect the result to be broken lines laying on the ground but that is not what happened at all! The lines themselves were NOT broken! The power pole broke instead! No, the pole was not rotten and weak. The lines were attached at the very top of the pole and of course the other end is in the ground. When the tree fell, ripping out the lines, it pulled on the top of the pole so hard the pole just snapped in the middle and of course FELL ON MY NEW ROOF!!!! I was expecting large gaping holes but believe it or not there is not that much damage to the roof. It bent the roof edge where it hit and of course bent the top ridge cap but otherwise not much damage. It did break off one of my plumbing stacks though.

The most damage was to the electrical service which was mounted to the power pole. The weather head was ripped off the pole and out of the top of the meter base, and the meter base itself was damaged. I will have to replace the meter base and the neutral line but can reuse the weather head. Once I get all that back on they will reconnect the power.

Meter Base

Meter Base Damaged

Weather Head

Weather Head

Pole end

Pole ripped from top of meter base


Sunday, January 15th, 2006

I got a new meter base from Lowes and Deb and I drove down to get it installed. We discovered a couple of things real quick when we opened the trailer. One the plumbing stack over the kitchen had been damaged and was letting water leak through the roof. This had been leaking since November! The power company never ONCE called us to tell us they had put up a new pole or anything! The corner kitchen cabinets were damaged and swelled and the ceiling was discolored. We also noticed the ceiling in the hallway was slightly damaged from the impact of the power pole on the side. Then I discovered that the box I had gotten did not come with a connection hub and the old one would not fit the box. Grrr.....

Ok so to keep the trip from being a total bust I got on the roof and repaired the plumbing stack and the crunched panel.

Temp Roof repair

Temp Roof Repair

Plumbing Stack Repair

Stack Repair

In the meantime Deb was cleaning out the kitchen cabinets to allow them to dry out. She also discovered we had a mouse problem and we put out some De-Con. We then loaded the entire electrical service box and pole on top of the truck so I could work on assembling it at home.


Saturday, March 25th, 2006

My brother and I installed the now repaired meter base and pole but I took no pics of that day. Suffice it to say we got it up with no problems and I called the power company the next Monday to reconnect the service. I had to sign a waiver saying that I did all the work. 


Saturday, April 22, 2006

My work schedule has had me up in Wisconsin and Michigan for weeks on end and this is the first weekend we have been able to get down here! Our power was reconnected just this past week. Things move a bit slowly sometimes in KY...

We towed out pop-up camper down with us on Friday. This July we are having a family get together and will need the room for guest.

Spring has already sprung with a vengeance! We missed the peak of the Dogwood trees... They still had a few blooms but were faded. After taking a walk down to the lake we started cleaning up the winter mess outside. This consisted of raking up huge piles of leaves and picking up all the branches that had fallen.


Spring Mess

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Since I had to travel on Monday We had to leave today around 4:00 PM :-( We did not have a lot of time to do anything. We cleaned up the yard and I also tilled in about half the leaves into the garden plot. It is too late to plant a garden this spring, maybe next year. Deb was planning the front landscaping while I started looking at how we were going to do our rear deck. I used some string to lay out approximately where it will be.

Rear Deck Location

Rear Deck Location

We plan to build a 16' x 16' deck on the back this year then next year do the front or maybe cover the rear with a partial roof.

Just before we left a old friend showed up to see us off:



We thought she was dead as we had not seen her since last November!

Saturday, May 6th, 2006

Finally a full weekend to work! I mentioned that Deb was planning landscaping? Well she went to the nursery during the week and we had a FULL trailer/truck load of plants, fertilizer and other stuff. No resting this weekend! I got to run the tiller all day prepping the left side of the front of the home for flower beds... Got one thing to say about that task... ROOTS! Since there are three trees on that side I had a lot of roots to contend with. There were also a few rocks. The soil on that side seems to be in good shape. We added a bit of compost to it and called it good.

New Bed

Front Bed

Side Bed

Side Bed

Ready to Plant

Ready to Plant

That evening my brother came over and while we had a couple of drinks, we fired up the chain saw and double bit axes up and created this for Deb to put in the front yard:



Man! I had forgotten how much physical labor is involved in swinging an axe! I am going to create another one of these for the fire pit we plan on building in the 'storm shelter'.


Sunday, May 7th, 2006

Well I picked a good day to do the vinyl flooring :-) It rained... Deb was SUPER pissed as she had a full day of landscaping planned. Nothing like digging in the mud!

I started by cleaning out the back bedroom with my two helpers:

My Helpers

My Helpers

All Done

All Done



This job took longer than the other two rooms due to the weird shape of the closet. Plus this piece of vinyl was actually supposed to be the hall/bathroom piece but was so close to the correct dimension that I used it. All I had to do was add a toe board on each wall to compensate for the 1/2" shortness.

In case you are wondering about the plumbing pipes coming through the bedroom wall? Those are for the bathroom sink. The previous owner decided to fix broken pipes this way instead of replacing them under the house... The stereo cabinet will cover them.

In the meantime Deb is outside slogging around in the mud. I stayed out of her way today... :-)


Monday, May 8th, 2006

We took a three day weekend as you can see! It stopped raining late Sunday and Deb was able to finish planting her stuff in the right side flower bed. Here is what she accomplished:

Debs hard work

Debs Hard Work

Debs Hard Work II

Debs Hard Work II

Cleaning up

Cleaning Up

She, of course, is not done with this. There is still the entire (larger) left side bed to do, mulch to put down and top soil to be brought in for the grass but it's a good start. In the last pic above Newt and Albert are checking out potential 'ambush' locations!


Saturday, May 21st, 2006

Ok so this weekend we planned to finish up the front yard landscaping, take the boat out for the first time this year, continue rear deck planning and finish moving into the rear bedroom. Deb also had a food storage cabinet she needed to put together and some more planting to do.

Deb at work

Deb the carpenter

Left Bed

More planting to do

We did manage to get the boat in the water and it ran like crap! Acted like the fuel pump was going out for the third time since we have owned it. It stranded us about a mile form the ramp when it just quit... It finally started but would only run for about 5 seconds then die. We eventually got it back to the ramp and put it back on the trailer :-(  When we left Sunday we brought it home so I could work on it.

Albert and boat

Albert and Boat going home

Saturday, May 26th, 2006

I had to work in Ohio this weekend but Deb was so psyched to get her planting and inside work on the bedroom done she came down by herself. While she was there I called a local man about getting some topsoil delivered so we could level out the yard a bit. He came out, looked at what we were doing and brought two, ten ton loads which he dumped in front of the home. He also looked at the place I want to put up my boat building and estimated the amount of fill dirt it would take.

Top Soil

20 Tons of Top Soil

Saturday, June 3rd, 2006

Vacation time! We are down for the whole week. Last week I worked on the boat. I had to rebuild the carb because the stupid gas/water filter rusted on the INSIDE filling the carb with rust particles which got in the main jets preventing it from running at throttle openings larger than idle. I then changed the engine oil and lower I/O unit oil. I also had to remove and repair the engine deck lid. The screws had rusted out and it as very wobbly. I replaced the hardware with stainless so it won't happen again. It ran perfectly in the drive way though the idle was a bit rough.

Plans this week are to build a deck, get mulch and mulch the flower beds, spread out the top soil in the front, sow grass seed and cover it with straw, take the boat out to see if it will run after fixing it, lay the last piece of vinyl flooring in the hall and so on and so on!  

We got up this morning and drove into town to get mulch with my 'new' trailer. Picked it up at Home Depot cheap. It's 200lb capacity and has a drop down ramp which makes it easy to haul my mowers and stuff. I had brought it down last week an left it here so I could tow the boat back.

New Trailer

New Trailer

Anyway got the mulch today and parked it in the driveway for tomorrow. I finished the day by spreading out the huge pile of leaves in the front yard to act as a layer of compost for the grass. We will cover these with a 4" layer of topsoil.



Sunday/Monday, June 4th/5th, 2006

Sunday: Today is our 22nd anniversary! So what are we going to do to celebrate? Work our asses off of course!

We started the day by mulching in all the flower beds. I would bring it to Deb in a wheel barrel and she would spread it out. This is what we ended up with. Starting to look pretty good.

Mulched Beds

Front Bed

Looking Good

Looking Good!

Side Bed

Side Bed


Now we could start spreading out the top soil. One wheel barrel load at a time and 20 tons... :-) Can you say sore muscles?


Spreading the Topsoil

Spreading the Topsoil

Making a Dent

Making a dent

Another View

Another View


We had a good start on the topsoil so I spent the rest of the day planning the deck layout.

Monday: Today we worked on the top soil some more then I called my brother and headed over to his place. The plan today is to borrow a large two axle trailer from a friend of his and use it to go to Lowes to get the deck lumber. When we got to the place to get the trailer it looked a bit rough. No suspension of any kind, had a couple of low tires, no lights of any kind and no brakes! Oh well, needed a thrill today anyway...  We headed to a service station to air up then headed to Lowes. Have I mentioned how much I hate Lowes? The original plans for the deck were to build it 14' X 16'. I'm not a carpenter so I am not familiar with what sizes boards are available in but when I found out that there is no such thing as a 14' long deck board I was a bit pissed! I had to change the deck plan while in Lowes! I decided to make it 16' X 16'. Good thing we brought the heavy duty trailer, my new one would not have handled the load.

We were at Lowes for 4 hours getting lumber, grass seed, straw and various other things... Once we got the trailer loaded we headed back to my brothers place very slowly... We had bought a chain link dog kennel that we needed to drop off at his place and while we were there his neighbor let me borrow a gas powered post hole digger! That should help!


Trailer Loaded Down!

I started laying out the strings to align the deck support poles but it got dark. Another good day of work gone...

Tuesday, June 6th, 2006

Up at the crack of dawn... NOT!  Got a bit of a late start this morning. Mr. Wiggington who brought our topsoil came by to look at where I wanted to add fill dirt to build up so I could install a boat building. He figured it would take 6 loads or 60 tons. I told him to start hauling it in. Throughout the day he was interrupting me as each load was brought in but was no big deal it had to be done.

By noon I had the strings laid out square. Using masking tape I marked where the holes for the support poles would be dug. The gas powered hole digger helped some but due to roots and rocks I still ended up digging them mostly by hand. :-( Once the holes were dug I measured and cut Sonatubes that reached below the frost line and placed them in the holes. In the meantime Mr. Wiggington brought his BoB-Cat by to level and pack all the fill dirt he had brought in. Once that was done I had him transfer the remaining topsoil we had left into the back yard near the deck so I could finish spreading out the topsoil where the piles were, rake sow seed.

My original plan for the deck called for J-Bolts to anchor beam holders for ALL the support poles but since I was NOT going to have the deck tied to the mobile home in anyway I decided to anchor the rear support poles directly in Quickcrete. I set the poles in the Sonatubes, used scrap 2x4's to support them, squared them up with a level then mixed up some Quickcrete and filled the tubes. Checked level again and moved to the front. After squaring the tubes I filled them with Quickcrete then went back and placed J-Bolts in the Quickcrete in the center to bolt the pole support brackets to. It was about 8:30 pm by them so I called it a day.

Laying it Out

Laying it Out

Aligning the Sonatube

Aligning the Sonatubes

Setting Support Poles

Setting the rear support poles

Pouring the concrete

Pouring the Quickcrete in the front tubes

Alberts Bad Day

Late in the day we had a scare with Albert our gentle tabby cat. We had been letting Albert and Newt outside while here and keeping a close eye on them so they did not wonder off. We had totally forgotten about this big old tom cat that hangs around whipping up on all the other cats every chance he gets. Around 7:45PM we hear the unmistakable sound of two cats tearing into each other out front and sure enough, around the corner of the home came two screaming, yowling, with fur flying everywhere cats doing about 90 mph! Unfortunately Albert was in the lead. He was scared to death and running for his life. Because we don't let them out in Lexington he had never been in a cat fight before. He just could not figure out why in the hell this strange cat was trying to tear him a new one.

Since he was new to the area he had no idea where to flee, and made the terrible mistake of running straight over the hill behind the home toward the lake. What he did not know was the hill is so steep that you can NOT walk it with out holding on to trees. Also there is a cliff in the direction he headed to that is almost 50 feet high. Deb and I both took off after them, but they were a 100 feet down the hill and out of sight before we even got to the edge. You could here them still fighting all the way down, the sounds getting fainter and fainter, then abruptly; nothing. No sound at all. Deb was terribly upset and I tried to calm her by telling her that Albert was OK and would come back up the hill when he was ready but I was truly worried he might have run off the cliff in a panic.

We called for him for a while then Deb insisted that I go over the hill looking for him while she walked around the hill above him calling for him. It was very hot and humid as I went over the hill holding on to anything available to keep from falling. When I got down about 100' I saw the cliff and my heart sank. I just knew I was going to find a broken bundle of fur at the bottom and was dreading breaking the news to Debbie... Working my way to the base of the cliff I started the searching among the rocks and ferns... Nothing, no cat, no sign he even came this way. With a huge sense of relief I continued searching and calling for him but he never appeared or answered. After about 30 minutes I gave up and clawed my way back to the top. Deb came back a few minutes later but no Albert.  We went inside to cool off and get something to drink while I kept telling Deb that he was OK.  After about 30 minutes he still had not shown up. It was getting dark and the thought of that gentle cat spending the night in the spooky dark woods not knowing that every sound was not something about to eat him was more than I could stand. I decided to make another trip over the hill.

When I got down about 50' I stopped. Hanging on to a small tree I started calling for him then listened for a response. Nothing. I went down another 20 feet then repeated the call and be damned if he didn't answer! The sound was coming from way down the hill in this big ravine. It was the most pathetic sound you ever heard. The sound conveyed the following thoughts so clearly, "I'm lost, I'm hurt and I'm scared. Please come and rescue me!" I yelled at Debbie that I had located him then started on down the hill into the ravine leading away from the bottom of the cliff. I kept calling and he would answer with that faint pathetic meow. I finally realized he was all the way at the bottom. That cat had somehow managed to get into the most impossible place. A large tree had fallen into the ravine many years ago and as the branches started decaying and falling off they had created a huge pile in the ravine. He, of course, was at the very bottom, right in the middle if it! I worked my way to the edge of the pile and looked inside. He was crouching on a moss covered log looking like his world had come to an end. Fur matted with dirt and blood, he turned when I called and let out another meow. This one contained a more positive sound of recognition but the main message was "I don't like this anymore, can we please go home?" I figured he would be so glad to see me he would come to me but alas he was so terrified by his ordeal he was frozen to the log. So I had to work my way to him. I lost count of the number of times I fell when a rotten branch gave way sending my leg down into the tangle of logs. I figured Deb was going to have to rescue me due to a broken leg before I even got to Albert! I finally got to him and he let me inspect him for broken bones and cuts. He did not appear to be seriously hurt. He had just a few scratches and  couple of bites. Now to get him out of here...

I had hoped he would follow me once I started back but when I tried he would just look at me and meow. I was forced to pick him up and carry him. Slowly and carefully picking my way through the tangled pile of branches and rocks with one hand holding him and the other catching myself when I fell I eventually got to the base of the steep hill. I knew there was no way I could carry him and climb the hill and I didn't think he would tolerate being stuffed inside my shirt. So I sat him down and told him, "If you want to get home where we can clean you up and take care of you, you are going to have to suck it up and follow me. His response was to flop down on the ground and pant like he was already out of breath just thinking about the steep climb. Great, now what? I let him sit there for a couple of minutes then started up the hill. I would go about 5 feet, stop and call for him and he would laboriously work his way to me, flop down, mouth open and pant. I could tell he was hurting and worried about internal injuries. About half way up he stopped and refused to follow me any further. By that time I was within yelling distance of Deb. I explained the situation and she worked her way down to where I was at. Between us coaxing him, and carrying him where we could, we worked our way up the hill. At one pont I had to take my belt off and while anchoring myself to a tree would toss Deb the belt, pull her up to where I was, let her get anchored, then do it again.

Eventually just as it got dark we got to the top. Poor Albert just collapsed in the dirt panting like he had just run a marathon. I picked him up and took him inside. We gave him some water which he kept down, washed him off, inspected him again then gave him some food. After that he painfully got on the back of the couch (his favorite place to sleep) and promptly fell asleep. That poor cat slept straight through the night!

Wednesday, June 7th, 2006

Albert survived the night and showed no interest what so ever in going outside this morning! Not that we planned on letting him outside any time soon...

Since I had to let the Quickcrete dry for 24 hours I started work on sowing grass in the front. First I raked all the clods, roots and rocks from the soil then spread some shade tolerant seed pretty thick. Then my brother and I spread straw on it and Deb watered it thoroughly.


Shawn Spreading Straw

Deb Watering

Deb Watering


Thursday, June 8th, 2006

Working by yourself on a large deck is not fun nor easy. It seems to take forever to get anything done. I managed to get the header boards on and leveled after MANY attempts. I ended up having to attach 2x4 supports everywhere to get it stable enough to work on. Finally late in the day my brother came over to lend a hand and we spent a couple of hours squaring it up. What a pain! We then used a sawzall to cut the upright 4x4 posts off at the header level.

Putting up the headers

Putting up the headers

Squaring it up

Squaring it up

Friday, June 9th, 2006

Not a good day today... I was working out back on the deck and Debbie was out front working when I heard her literally scream... Not once but twice! Before the first one stopped I was tearing around the house expecting to see a dog had one of the cats or something. I fell hard at the end of the trailer and about slide under the camper, got up and when I came around front Deb was lying on the ground holding here leg and still screaming, in pain. She had taken a miss step off the porch and bent her ankle backwards spraining it badly. We later found out she tore ligaments and muscles. I got her calmed down and helped her into the house, put her on the couch and got an ice pack. It started swelling immediately. I inspected it, had her try wiggling her toes and flexing her ankle (she could on both counts). We discussed taking her to the doctor but she didn't want to go and I really did not see the need. So I got her whatever she needed to stay entertained and went back to work on the deck.

Deb's Work
Deb's Work
Deb's Work

Deb's Work


Deb Down for the Count

Deb Down for the Count

Deb's Hard Work Before the 'Accident'

Before it got dark I was able to get all the deck joists in place, the front and rear header boards and laid four 5/4 deck boards. Every try to hold a 16' long 2"x12" up against 12 other boards all by yourself? Doesn't work at all. I used some clamps and some choice 4 letter words but finally got them installed.

Saturday, June 10th, 2006

Today was spent laying deck boards. My sis had spent the night with us and helped me most of the day. Here are a few pics of the progress:

Lots of Help?

Lots of Help?

Nice and Straight

Nice and Straight

Framing for Tree

Framing For Tree

We decided to build the deck around the tree on the right side which meant I had to come up with a way to do it. A bit of head scratching, some lubrication from south of the border (Tequila), some help from my brother and sis and we had a plan. I placed some addition header boards and installed a cripple joist. This allowed the deck boards to go right up against the tree. Later I will trim the boards allowing about 3" of growth room for the tree. Many years from now if the tree needs more room I can remove all this.

Sunday, June 11th, 2006

Last day :-( We spent today finishing up laying the deck boards, trying out Debs new deck furniture and cleaning up the awful mess we had made all week!


Laying Boards

Laying Boards

Around Tree

Going around Tree

Using it already!

Using it already!

Well that wrapped up the week! We fell behind schedule. We had planned to be completely done with the deck but that's just not the way it worked out. Between Debs accident, Albert getting terrorized, then lost, my brother not showing up like he said, I think we did pretty damn good!

Saturday, June 24th, 2006

I was out of town all week in Wisconsin so when we came down this weekend I was worn out! We did manage to accomplish a few things in between turning our home into a cat shelter... What's that you say? A cat shelter? Yep, at one time during the weekend we counted eleven cats around the place! Our two, Albert and Newt, Boo and her FOUR, wild, solid white kittens she brought to us, the two gray cats, a calico kitten we have no idea where it came from then a small gray kitten that someone dropped off at the top of our driveway...

Boo and kitten

Boo and kitten

Little Boo

Little Boo

Little Bear

Little Bear


I'll start with Boo and her kittens. I kept telling Debbie that since Boo knew that there was a supply of food available from our place that when she was ready she would bring the kittens here. Well Friday evening Deb called out to me all excited and when I looked outside there was Boo with two of them. We later counted 4 total. Two of them turned out to be deaf :-( We found this out because the rest would run away from us when they would hear our footsteps but these two would not run until they actually saw you. We 'tested' them by snapping our fingers behind their heads and they would never turn around. One of the two deaf ones was pretty friendly and would come inside. We started calling it BooTwo (Later changed to Little Boo then Baby Boo) It was a little girl kitten and she had the habit of going to sleep in the strangest places. See the pic above.

Next cat to enter our lives this weekend was the little gray kitten that someone dropped off at the top of our driveway. I was headed out to Lowes with my sister to get some things and I stopped at the top of the drive to check the trailer hitch. As I was about to get in I heard the most energetic MEOW I have every heard! I thought it must be some half grown cat that was lost and calling out, but then this little tiny gray fur ball came jumping out of the bushes and just ran up to me like I was it's long lost mother! It of course would not leave me alone. I was thinking it may belong to the neighbors and since I really did not have time to deal with it I picked it up, took it to the house and dropped it in Debbie's lap! Ha! You should have seen the look on her face.... When I returned the cat had of course made itself totally at home.  See pic above. It turned out to be barely weaned. I started calling it Little Bear cause I thought it sort of looked like a teddy bear. I went to the neighbors but they said they were not the owners and told of a car that had stopped at their drive way then left quickly.

We ended up taking this little fellow home, we just could not leave it there alone ... We now have three cats...

Railings and Little Boo

Railings and Boo's deaf kitten


In case you are wondering we did do a bit of work on the deck! I did not take a lot of pics this trip but the one above shows some progress on the railings. I got most of the 4x4 poles up. You can also see one of Boo's deaf kittens on the left. It's has one blue eye and one orange eye just like Boo but they are reversed!

Sunday, June 25th, 2006

I finished up the deck railings today then had to head back to Lexington for a Land Cruiser Club meeting. Meanwhile Deb worked in the hall way putting up the baseboard. Next weekend is the big 4th of July party with both her cousins and there kids coming down.

Power Tool

Power User!


Monday, July 3rd, 2006

July Blast!

Well another week at the lake! Deb invited a total of 10 of her kin folk down for the week. Lots of kids. We set the pop-up camper in the driveway and had people sleeping there and everywhere in the trailer. At one point there were 12 people there!

Deb planned activities for the kids plus we took several boat rides with the kids going tubing and swimming. They ate too much sugar, got too much sun and had too much fun but hey, that's what you are supposed to do on vacation right? There were no major disasters all week and everyone had a good time.


Deb and nieces

Don't Ask...

Sign Language?



Thursday, July 6th, 2006

Most everyone left today so we spent the day cleaning up the HUGE mess that was left. Amazing what kids can do to a place in such a short time! I did spend a little time spreading out the gravel on the new boat parking place.

Gravel Spreading

Friday, July 7th, 2006

Today I decided to spread gravel under the deck to make it look a little better. I brought wheelbarrows full and dumped them at the sides then used a rake to get it under the deck. It really made it look good! Now we can sit stuff under there and not worry about it getting muddy.

Fun! Fun!

Half Done



Saturday, July 8th, 2006

Worked on the rear deck step platforms today in preparation for building the steps later. Then we packed up and headed home. I have to travel again next week...

Ready for steps

Other side

Headed home

Full of trash!



Nothing much happened on our next two trips down in September.


Saturday, October 28th, 2006

Wow, time flies doesn't it? We came down this weekend to enjoy the fall colors and do some minor yard work. It rained Friday night so the leaves were wet preventing me from blowing them out of the yard until late afternoon when they dried up.

Wet Morning


BIG Snake!!!



While picking up limbs out back late this afternoon I about stepped on the biggest snake I have ever seen in this area! Scared the crap out of me at first! It was a very cool day so I guess he had come out to try to get warmed up. I took several pics then showed it to Deb from the safety of the back bedroom window. She is terrified of snakes! I later identified it as a rat snake. See the Zoo page for a link to more information about it. We also had a new cat 'Tigger' show up last night for a while. He was very friendly and let me hold him for a while.

Sunday, October 29th, 2006

Fall Feeding

Boo's Last Picture...


Today we spent cleaning up the yard and doing the fall feeding of plants and such, winterizing the boat and just enjoying the beautiful day. Just as we were leaving Boo came for her usual Sunday dinner and visit.


Update 8/9/07: The picture above, we now know, was Boo's final visit. As of Oct. 2007 we have not seen her since... We still have Baby Boo one of her deaf kittens at home and another one of her wild offspring (Ghost) is starting to hang around the home here. So Boo still lives on in her offspring... Glad you were in our lives for a while Boo. You helped us and I hope we helped you...



Saturday, November 4th, 2006

Well this is our last weekend of the year. It's starting to get cold and we will have to drain the water out of the system before we leave. This trip I came down with a cold but worked on getting the steps finished on the rear deck. I hate working when I'm sick but it had to get done :-).

Laying out Stringer

One down, one to go...

Just hope no more trees fall on the home this winter!


Continue to 2007




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